Some of the links below are affiliate links. This just means that if you choose to make a purchase we may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. We are using these links to showcase how you can use VENNDY with your affiliate marketing strategy.Are you sick of feeling guilty about wanting to have a business and a family at the same time? Maybe you have always wanted to be an entrepreneur? Or, maybe you are a stay-at-home mom trying to figure out how to make a living online so that you wouldn't need to constantly choose between your career and your family. Some entrepreneurs say they make better moms when pursuing their passions, others believe that they can be great in business as long as they stay close to their kids. If you have a good friend or a partner that you want to encourage and support, the following items can be just what you are looking for in order to show her you care. No matter what her goals and desires are, we each go through our own journey and find our own way of combining motherhood and personal growth and career.